do you want to go to a club tonight? | 你今晚想去蹦迪吗? |
do you know any good clubs near here? | 这周围有什么不错的夜店吗? |
what time are you open until? | 你们开到几点? |
what time do you close? | 你们几点关门? |
how much is it to get in? | 入场费多少钱? |
is there a dress code? | 有着装要求吗? |
what nights are you open? | 你们哪几天营业? |
what sort of music is it? | 你们放什么音乐? |
what's on tonight? | 今晚有些什么? |
do you have any live music tonight? | 你们今晚有现场音乐吗? |
sorry, you can't come in | 对不起,你不能进来 |
you can't come in with trainers on | 你不能穿运动鞋进来 |
there's a private party tonight | 今晚是私人聚会 |
the club's full | 已经满员了 |
I'm on the guest list | 我在客人名单中 |
I'm a member | 我是会员 |
英语日常用语指南 | |
第51页,共61页 | |
在剧院 |
➔ |
where's the cloakroom? | 更衣室在哪儿? |
what do you think of the DJ? | 你觉得那个DJ怎么样? |
the music's great! | 音乐很棒! |
it's very lively tonight | 今晚很热闹 |
it's a bit empty | 有点空 |
it's dead in here | 这里死气沉沉的 (俚语) |
where's the bar? | 吧台在哪儿? |
there's a long queue at the bar | 吧台那儿排了好长的队 |
it's too loud | 太大声了 |
it's too hot in here | 这里面太热了 |
are you ready to go home? | 你准备回家了吗? |
I'm going home | 我这就回家 |