


hello! 喂!
John speaking 这是约翰
it's Maria here 这是玛丽亚
could I speak to …, please? ……在吗?
Bill 比尔
speaking! 我是!
who's calling? 是谁?
could I ask who's calling? 请问是谁?
where are you calling from? 你从哪儿打来的?
what company are you calling from? 你是从哪个公司打来的?
how do you spell that? 怎样拼?
do you know what extension he's on? 你知道他的分机号码是多少吗?
one moment, please 请稍等
hold the line, please 请不要挂线
I'll put him on 我叫他来听
I'll put her on 我叫她来听
I'm sorry, he's … 对不起,他……
not available at the moment 现在走不开
in a meeting 在开会
I'm sorry, she's … 对不起,她……
on another call 正在打另外一通电话
not in at the moment 暂时不在
would you like to leave a message? 你要留言吗?
could you ask him to call me? 你可以叫他打给我吗?
could you ask her to call me? 你可以叫她打给我吗?
can I take your number? 你可以把你的电号码给我吗?
what's your number? 你的电话号码是什么?
could I take your name and number, please? 可以留下你的姓名和号码吗?
I'll call back later 我等一下再打过来
is it convenient to talk at the moment? 现在方便讲话吗?
can I call you back? 我可以等一下再打给你吗?
please call back later 请稍后再打
thanks for calling 谢谢你打过来
how do I get an outside line? 我怎样打外线电话?
have you got a telephone directory? 你有电话通讯录吗?
can I use your phone? 我可以用你的电话吗?


I'm sorry, I'm not interested 不好意思,我没有兴趣
sorry, I'm busy at the moment 不好意思,我现在很忙


I can't get a dialling tone 没有通话音
the line's engaged 电话占线了
I can't get through at the moment 我暂时打不通
I'm only getting an answering machine 我被接到答录机
sorry, you must have the wrong number 不好意思,你打错了吧
can you hear me OK? 你能听清我说话吗?
I can't hear you very well 我听不太清楚
it's a bad line 这条线很差
could you please repeat that? 请再说一遍可以吗?
I've been cut off 我被挂断了


do you know the number for …? ……的电话号码多少?
directory enquiries 电话查号台
international directory enquiries 国际电话查号台
could you tell me the number for …? 你可以把……的电话号码告诉我吗?
the National Gallery 国家艺术馆
do you know the address? 你知道地址吗?
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory 恐怕这个号码未列入电话簿中
could you tell me the dialing code for …? 可以告诉我……的区号吗?
Manchester 曼彻斯特


my battery's about to run out 我的电池快用尽了
I need to charge up my phone 我要给手机充电
I'm about to run out of credit 我的话费快用完了
sorry, I ran out of credit 不好意思,我没有话费了
I can't get a signal 我收不到信号
I've got a very weak signal 我的信号很弱
I'll send you a text 我会给你发短信
I'll text you later 我等一下给你发短信
could I borrow your phone, please? 我可以借用你的手机吗?
I'd like a phonecard, please 我要一张电话卡


Thank you for calling. 谢谢你的电话。
There's no-one here to take your call at the moment. 暂时无人接听。
Please leave a message after the tone, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. 请在吡声后留言,我们会尽快回复。

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