

do you know where I can get a taxi? 请问哪里会有的士?
do you have a taxi number? 请问有的士公司的电话号码吗?


I'd like a taxi, please 我想要一辆出租车
sorry, there are none available at the moment 不好意思,现在没有
where are you? 你在哪里呢?
what's the address? 地址是什么?
I'm … 我在……
at the Metropolitan Hotel 城市饭店
at the train station 火车站
at the corner of Oxford Street and Tottenham Court Road 牛津街与托特纳姆法院路转角处
could I take your name, please? 可以给我你的名字吗?
how long will I have to wait? 我要等多久?
how long will it be? 要多久呢?
quarter of an hour 十五分钟
about ten minutes 大概十分钟
it's on its way 已经开出了


where would you like to go? 你要到哪儿?
I'd like to go to … 我要去……
Charing Cross station 查宁阁站
could you take me to …? 请开到……
the city centre 市中心
how much would it cost to …? 到……多少钱?
Heathrow Airport 希思罗机场
how much will it cost? 那要多少钱?
could we stop at a cashpoint? 能在自动提款机那停一会儿吗?
is the meter switched on? 计价表开启了吗?
please switch the meter on 请打开计价表
how long will the journey take? 旅程需要多久?
do you mind if I open the window? 不介意我把窗打开吧?
do you mind if I close the window? 不介意我把窗关上吧?
are we almost there? 快到了吗?
how much is it? 多少钱呢?
have you got anything smaller? 你有零钱吗?
that's fine, keep the change 不用找钱
would you like a receipt? 需要收据吗?
could I have a receipt, please? 可以给我收据吗?
could you pick me up here at …? 可以……在这儿接我吗?
six o'clock 六点钟
could you wait for me here? 可以在这边等我吗?


Taxis 的士
For hire 空车

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