I'd like to see a doctor | 我想要看医生 |
do you have an appointment? | 你有预约吗? |
is it urgent? | 紧急吗? |
I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr … | 我想要预约……医生 |
Robinson | 罗宾逊 |
do you have any doctors who speak …? | 你们这儿有没有说……的医生? |
Spanish | 西班牙语 |
do you have private medical insurance? | 你有没有私人医疗保险? |
have you got a European Health Insurance card? | 你有没有欧洲健康保险卡? |
please take a seat | 请坐 |
the doctor's ready to see you now | 医生现在可以见你了 |
how can I help you? | 我可以帮你什么呢? |
what's the problem? | 有什么问题? |
what are your symptoms? | 你有什么症状? |
I've got a … | 我…… |
temperature | 发烧 |
sore throat | 喉咙痛 |
headache | 头痛 |
rash | 出疹子 |
I've been feeling sick | 我一直感觉难受 |
I've been having headaches | 我一直头痛 |
I'm very congested | 我淤血很严重 |
my joints are aching | 我关节很痛 |
I've got diarrhoea | 我拉肚子了 |
I'm constipated | 我便秘了 |
I've got a lump | 我有个肿块 |
I've got a swollen … | 我的……肿了 |
ankle | 脚踝 |
I'm in a lot of pain | 我感觉很痛 |
I've got a pain in my … | 我的……很痛 |
back | 背部 |
chest | 胸口 |
I think I've pulled a muscle in my leg | 我想我腿部的肌肉可能拉伤了 |
I'm … | 我有…… |
asthmatic | 哮喘 |
diabetic | 糖尿病 |
epileptic | 癫痢 |
I need … | 我需要…… |
another inhaler | 另外一个吸入器 |
some more insulin | 更多胰岛素 |
I'm having difficulty breathing | 我有点呼吸困难 |
I've got very little energy | 我感觉四肢乏力 |
I've been feeling very tired | 我觉得很累 |
I've been feeling depressed | 我觉得很沮丧 |
I've been having difficulty sleeping | 我很难入睡 |
how long have you been feeling like this? | 你这样的状况持续多久了? |
how have you been feeling generally? | 你最近基本状况如何? |
is there any possibility you might be pregnant? | 有没有可能是怀孕了? |
I think I might be pregnant | 我想我可能怀孕了 |
do you have any allergies? | 你对什么过敏吗? |
I'm allergic to antibiotics | 我对抗生素过敏 |
are you on any sort of medication? | 你正在吃什么药吗? |
I need a sick note | 我需要一个病假单 |
英语日常用语指南 | |
第55页,共61页 | |
在药房 |
➔ |
can I have a look? | 我可以看一下吗? |
where does it hurt? | 哪里痛? |
it hurts here | 这里痛 |
does it hurt when I press here? | 我按这儿痛吗? |
I'm going to take your … | 我准备测你的…… |
blood pressure | 血压 |
temperature | 体温 |
pulse | 脉搏 |
could you roll up your sleeve? | 可以把袖子卷起来吗? |
your blood pressure's … | 你的血压 …… |
quite low | 比较低 |
normal | 是正常的 |
rather high | 相当高 |
very high | 很高 |
your temperature's … | 你的体温…… |
normal | 正常 |
a little high | 有点高 |
very high | 很高 |
open your mouth, please | 请张开嘴 |
cough, please | 试着咳一下 |
you're going to need a few stiches | 你需要缝几针 |
I'm going to give you an injection | 我要给你打针 |
we need to take a … | 我们需要一些…… |
urine sample | 尿样 |
blood sample | 血样 |
you need to have a blood test | 你需要一个血液检查 |
I'm going to prescribe you some antibiotics | 我会给你开一些抗生素 |
take two of these pills three times a day | 一天三次,一次两片 |
take this prescription to the chemist | 把这张处方拿给药剂师 |
do you smoke? | 你吸烟吗? |
you should stop smoking | 你应该停止吸烟 |
how much alcohol do you drink a week? | 你一个星期喝多少酒? |
you should cut down on your drinking | 你应该少喝一点酒 |
you need to try and lose some weight | 你需要试着减肥 |
I want to send you for an x-ray | 我建议你去做X光 |
I want you to see a specialist | 我建议你去看专科医生 |