


what times are you open? 你们营业的时间是什么?
we're open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday 星期一至五,早上九点到下午五点
we're open from 10am to 8pm, seven days a week 每天都是由早上十点到晚上八点
are you open on …? 你们……开门吗?
Saturday 星期六
Sunday 星期天
what time do you close? 你们什么时候关门?
what time do you close today? 你们今天什么时候关门?
what time do you open tomorrow? 你们明天什么时候开门?


can I help you? 我可以帮你什么吗?
I'm just browsing, thanks 我只是看看,谢谢
how much is this? 这多少钱?
how much are these? 这些多少钱?
how much does this cost? 那件大衣多少钱?
how much is that … in the window? 窗口的……多少钱呢?
that's cheap 这有点便宜
that's good value 这个值得买
that's expensive 那有点贵
do you sell …? 这里卖……?
stamps 邮票
do you have any …? 这里有没有……?
postcards 明信片
sorry, we don't sell them 不好意思,我们不卖明信片的
sorry, we don't have any left 不好意思,都卖掉了
I'm looking for … 我在找些……
the shampoo 洗发水
a birthday card 生日卡
could you tell me where the … is? 请问……在哪儿?
washing up liquid 洗洁精
where can I find the …? 请问哪里有……?
toothpaste 牙膏
have you got anything cheaper? 有比较便宜的吗?
it's not what I'm looking for 这不是我想要的
do you have this item in stock? 请问你们这款商品还有货吗?
do you know anywhere else I could try? 请问哪里会有的呢?
does it come with a guarantee? 带保修吗?
it comes with a one year guarantee 保修期一年
do you deliver? 你们送货吗?
I'll take it 我要了
I'll take this 我要这个了
anything else? 还要别的吗?
would you like anything else? 你还想要些别的吗?


are you in the queue? 你在排队吗?
next, please! 下一位,请
do you take credit cards? 可以用信用卡付款吗?
I'll pay in cash 我要用现款
I'll pay by card 我要用卡
could I have a receipt, please? 能给我收据吗?
would you be able to gift wrap it for me? 你能帮我包成礼物吗?
would you like a bag? 你需要袋子吗?


I'd like to return this 我要退回这个
I'd like to change this for a different size 我要换尺寸
it doesn't work 这坏掉了
it doesn't fit 不合身
could I have a refund? 我要退钱
have you got the receipt? 你有收据吗?
could I speak to the manager? 我要见经理


Open 营业中
Closed 停止营业
Open 24 hours a day 24小时营业
Special offer 特价
Sale 大减价
Clearance sale 清货大减价
Closing down sale 结业大减价
Good value 物美价廉
Buy 1 get 1 free 买一送一
Buy 1 get 1 half price 买一件,第二件半价
Reduced to clear 减价清货
Half price 半价
Out to lunch 午饭时间
Back in 15 minutes 十五分钟回来
Shoplifters will be prosecuted 小偷将被起诉


Enter your PIN 请输密码
Please wait 请稍后
Remove card 取卡
Signature 签名

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