can I park here? | 我可以在这儿停车吗? |
where's the nearest petrol station? | 最近的加油站在哪儿? |
how far is it to the next services? | 下一个服务站有多远? |
are we nearly there? | 我们差不多到了吗? |
please slow down! | 请减速! |
we've had an accident | 我们遇到意外 |
sorry, it was my fault | 对不起,是我的错 |
it wasn't my fault | 这并不是我的错 |
you've left your lights on | 你的灯还是亮着的 |
have you passed your driving test? | 你通过路考没有? |
how much would you like? | 你要加多少油? |
full, please | 加满,谢谢 |
£25 worth, please | 加二十五镑的油,谢谢 |
it takes … | 这车用的是…… |
petrol | 汽油 |
diesel | 柴油 |
it’s an electric car | 这是电动汽车 |
I'd like some oil | 我需要些机油 |
can I check my tyre pressures here? | 这里可以检查轮胎气压吗? |
my car's broken down | 我的车坏了 |
my car won't start | 我的车不能发动 |
we've run out of petrol | 我们车汽油用光了 |
the battery's flat | 电池没电了 |
have you got any jump leads? | 你有电池跨接电线吗? |
I've got a flat tyre | 我的车爆胎了 |
I've got a puncture | 我的车轮胎被刺破了 |
the … isn't working | ……坏了 |
speedometer | 速度表 |
petrol gauge | 气油表 |
fuel gauge | 燃油表 |
the … aren't working | ……坏了 |
brake lights | 刹车灯 |
indicators | 指示灯 |
there's something wrong with … | ……有毛病 |
the engine | 引擎 |
the steering | 方向盘 |
the brakes | 刹车 |
the car's losing oil | 车在漏油 |
英语日常用语指南 | |
第22页,共61页 | |
问路与指路 |
➔ |
could I see your driving licence? | 我可以看看你的驾驶执照吗? |
do you know what speed you were doing? | 你知道你刚才的速度吗? |
are you insured on this vehicle? | 你的车上保险了吗? |
could I see your insurance documents? | 我可以看你的保险单吗? |
have you had anything to drink? | 你喝过酒吗? |
how much have you had to drink? | 你之前喝了多少酒? |
could you blow into this tube, please? | 请向这根管子呼气! |
Stop | 停 |
Give way | 让 |
No entry | 不准驶进 |
One way | 单程 |
Parking | 停车 |
No parking | 禁止停车 |
No stopping | 不准停车 |
Vehicles will be clamped | 乱停车者,车轮会被锁住 |
Keep left | 靠左 |
Get in lane | 进入车道 |
Slow down | 减速 |
No overtaking | 不准超车 |
School | 学校 |
Low bridge | 矮桥 |
Level crossing | 铁路岔口 |
Bus lane | 公交专用车道 |
No through road | 此路不通 |
Caution | 小心 |
Fog | 有雾 |
Diversion | 改道 |
Road closed | 道路关闭 |
Roadworks | 道路维修 |
Accident ahead | 前方发生意外 |
Queue ahead | 前方堵车 |
Queues after next junction | 前方交口堵车 |
On tow | 拖车 |
Services | 服务 |
Air | 气 |
Water | 水 |
Don't drink and drive | 不要酒后驾驶 |