英语词汇 | |
第43页,共65页 | |
乐器 |
➔ |
antibiotics | 抗生素 |
prescription | 药方 |
medicine | 药品 |
pill | 药丸 |
tablet | 药片 |
doctor | 医生 |
GP (general practitioner的缩写) | 全科医师 |
consultant | 会诊医师 |
anaesthetist | 麻醉师 |
surgeon | 外科医生 |
nurse | 护士 |
patient | 患者 |
gynecologist | 妇科医生 |
chiropodist | 手足病医生 |
radiographer | 放射线技师 |
anaesthetic | 麻药 |
drip | 点滴 |
hospital | 医院 |
operating theatre | 手术室 |
operation | 手术 |
physiotherapy | 物理疗法 |
surgery | 外科手术 |
ward | 病房 |
appointment | 预约 |
medical insurance | 医疗保险 |
waiting room | 等候室 |
blood pressure | 血压 |
blood sample | 血样本 |
pulse | 脉搏 |
temperature | 体温 |
urine sample | 尿液样本 |
x-ray | X光 |
blind | 眼盲 |
deaf | 耳聋 |
partially sighted | 弱视 |
disabled | 残疾 |
paralysed | 瘫痪 |
asthmatic | 哮喘患者 |
epileptic | 癫痫病患者 |
haemophiliac | 血友病患者 |
injection | 打针 |
vaccination | 接种疫苗 |
suppository | 栓剂 |
pregnancy | 妊娠 |
pregnant | 怀孕 |
to give birth | 分娩 |
contraception | 避孕 |
abortion | 堕胎 |
infected | 感染 |
inflamed | 发炎 |
septic | 感染 |
swollen | 肿胀 |
unconscious | 失去意识 |
pain | 痛苦 |
painful | 痛苦的 |
well | 身体好 |
unwell | 不舒服 |
ill | 生病了 |
pus | 化脓 |
scar | 伤疤 |
stitches | 缝针 |
wound | 伤口 |
bandage | 绷带 |
crutches | 拐杖 |
hearing aid | 助听器 |
sling | 悬带 |
splint | 夹板 |
wheelchair | 轮椅 |
sleep | 睡眠 |
to bleed | 流血 |
to catch a cold | 受凉 |
to cough | 咳嗽 |
to be ill | 生病 |
to be sick | 不舒服,生病 |
to feel sick | 不舒服,生病 |
to heal | 治疗 |
to hurt | 损害 |
to limp | 一瘸一拐 |