


come on in! 请进!
good to see you! 很高兴见到你!
you're looking well 你看起来很好
please take your shoes off 请把鞋子脱掉
can I take your coat? 我可以帮你拿大衣吗?
sorry we're late 很抱歉我们迟到了
did you have a good journey? 你一路还顺利吗?
did you find us alright? 你顺利地找到我们家的吧?
I'll show you your room 我带你到你的房间
this is your room 这是你的房间
would you like a towel? 你要毛巾吗?
make yourself at home 请当作自己的家吧


can I get you anything to drink? 我可以拿什么给你喝吗?
would you like a tea or coffee? 你要茶还是咖啡?
how do you take it? 要加什么吗?
do you take sugar? 要加糖吗?
do you take milk? 要加牛奶吗?
how many sugars do you take? 你要加多少糖?
would you like a …? 你要不要……?
soft drink 汽水
beer 啤酒
glass of wine 一杯葡萄酒
gin and tonic 杜松子酒


have a seat! 请坐!
let's go into the … 我们去……吧
lounge 休息厅
living room 客厅
dining room 饭厅
do you mind if I smoke here? 你介意我在这儿抽烟吗
I'd prefer it if you went outside 你去外面抽比较好
are you ready to eat now? 你现在有胃口吃饭吗?
who's driving tonight? 今天晚上谁开车呢?
could I use your phone? 我可以用你的电话吗?
your taxi's here 你的计程车来了
thanks for coming 谢谢你来
have a safe journey home 路上小心
thanks for a lovely evening 我今晚过得很愉快,谢谢

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