


I saw your advert in the paper 我在报纸上看到你的广告
could I have an application form? 我可以要一份申请表格吗?
could you send me an application form? 你可以寄一份申请表格给我吗?
I'm interested in this position 我对这个职位感兴趣
I'd like to apply for this job 我想申请这份工作


is this a temporary or permanent position? 这是临时工作还是固定工作?
what are the hours of work? 一个星期需要工作几小时?
will I have to work on Saturdays? 星期六需要工作吗?
will I have to work shifts? 需要轮班工作吗?
how much does the job pay? 这份工作的工资多少?
£10 an hour 每小时十英镑
£350 a week 一周三百五十英镑
what's the salary? 薪水多少?
£2,000 a month 月薪两千英镑
£30,000 a year 年薪三万英镑
will I be paid weekly or monthly? 按周还是按月发工资?
will I get travelling expenses? 旅费可以报销吗?
will I get paid for overtime? 加班有加班费吗?
is there …? 有没有……?
a company car 公司班车
a staff restaurant 员工餐厅
a pension scheme 养老金
free medical insurance 免费医疗保险
how many weeks' holiday a year are there? 一年有几个星期的假期?
who would I report to? 我向谁报到?
I'd like to take the job 我决定接受这份工作
when do you want me to start? 您要我什么时候开始?


we'd like to invite you for an interview 我们决定邀请你参加面试
this is the job description 这是工作的简介
have you got any experience? 你有任何经验吗?
have you got any qualifications? 你有任何资格认证吗?
we need someone with experience 我们需要有经验的人
we need someone with qualifications 我们需要有资格认证的人
what qualifications have you got? 你有什么样的资格认证?
have you got a current driving licence? 你有驾驶执照吗?
how much were you paid in your last job? 你上一份工作的工资有多少?
do you need a work permit? 你需要工作许可吗?
we'd like to offer you the job 我们决定聘请你
when can you start? 你可以什么时候开始工作?
how much notice do you have to give? 你辞职需要提前多久通知?
there's a three month trial period 有三个月的试用期
we'll need to take up references 我们需要推荐信
this is your employment contract 这是你的雇用合同


Name 姓名
Address 地址
Telephone number 电话号码
Email address 邮件地址
Date of birth 出生日期
Nationality 国籍
Marital status 婚姻状况
Career objective 职业目标
Education 教育
Qualifications 资格认证
Employment history 工作经历
Leisure interests 休闲兴趣
Referees 推荐人

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